by Alet | Aug 15, 2016 | Books, Writing
Die jong konstabel, Danie de Jager, in die kookspan in Windhoek – min wetende dat hy hierdie vaardighede sou toepas in die skeepskombuis onderweg na Alexandrië, in die veldkombuis in die woestyn van Noord-Afrika, in die krygsgevangekampe van Benghazi en Italië...
by Alet | May 10, 2016 | Books, Writing
Die boeiende storie van ‘n boerseun wat tydens die Tweede Wêreldoorlog diens doen as kok: Kleintyd sonder televisie was ‘n groot seën vir my pa se sewe kinders – wanneer die gier hom gepak het en hy begin oorlogstories vertel het, het ons aan sy lippe...
by Alet | Feb 11, 2016 | Arts and crafts, Painting
Day 3 and we are visiting our children in sunny South Africa. What other subject to paint than this delightful little girl who came to work with her mother – especially to meet the visiting ugogo (grandmother) Of course Trisha was never going to sit for a...
by Alet | Feb 10, 2016 | Arts and crafts, Painting
Day 2: Painting miniatures was still very new to me. Here I tried an approximately 10x10cm pencil sketch on handmade paper. The subject: a sleeping warthog, seeing that I was in the South African Bushveld and found this an unusual take on a well-known inhabitant. My...
by Alet | Feb 9, 2016 | Arts and crafts, Painting
I started on my birthday, 9 February 2016, with a challenge to produce one miniature painting per day for a year… Seeing that 2016 is a leap year, that means 366 mini paintings. The traditional miniature painting size is about 10x10cm, and portraits (that were...