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Tree or tumbleweed

Tree or tumbleweed

Journaling is a handy way to jot down the truths I learn from God in my time at his feet, my ‘quiet time’. Unfortunately, it so often happens that such a truth stays in my journal and the result is that, when the test comes, I don’t have that wonderful truth to hand....
A safe place

A safe place

“If only I could walk again!” This is the cry from the heart of a friend in her wheelchair, months after suffering a head injury. Likewise, this was the cry from the heart of the invalid who was lying at the pool of Bethesda for the umpteenth time, hoping for the...
Ouma Maria: A formidable woman

Ouma Maria: A formidable woman

Maria Margaretha Hough married her first cousin Albertus Hough. Unfortunately, neither she nor her cousin realised that they were both carriers of a regressive gene that caused both their two youngest daughters to be born with microcephaly (abnormal smallness of the...
The language of hugs

The language of hugs

“Can you give me a hug?” Hugging a complete stranger, and a homeless one at that?! I was completely taken aback. This homeless man was selling Big Issue magazines in one of London’s Underground stations – and I was in a hurry. I wasn’t wearing a WWJD wrist band, but I...
Absolute security

Absolute security

Three of my favourite childhood memories are based on a feeling of absolute security. I remember the warmth of snuggling up to my mother in the church pew, the relief of being able to snuggle behind my dad’s back whenever I had braved the long, dark passage to my...
Two passports – dual citizenship

Two passports – dual citizenship

On one of many flights between South Africa and the UK in order to establish a business in London, my husband Brink was told by a British fellow passenger: “Never lose your accent. South Africans are known for their diligence.” We had to pack up and relocate to the...