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The adventurous young Joanna left her home in Poland to explore life in Ireland. This is where she met her future husband, also an expat and the two of them got married. Now, living in Kent where her husband teaches and she helps to keep a busy pharmacy going, Jo has...
Journey with Vincent

Journey with Vincent

Vincent van Gogh has become an ally in my journey of becoming a better artist. A knee injury and a pair of crutches makes it hard to access my studio. Working on the unfinished “Icons” painting and the “Three generations” is on hold for the time being. Fortunately, my...


This fabric with a selection of pretty shoes was my choice for Katie, an enthusiastic liver of life, a valuable asset to her husband and a loving mother of two little princesses. Her passion for telling others about Jesus reminds me of “the shoes of the Gospel of...


This very sturdy apron is for a woman who, on top of raising three children of her own, more often than not has a foster baby or toddler added to her loving care. She is a talented cook, took home schooling during the pandemic in her stride and, together with her...
A quilt for our littlest one

A quilt for our littlest one

Most grannies would know how eager one is to make (or buy) a very special gift for a new grandchild. In this instance I waited till our littlest one’s second birthday for that handmade quilt. Of course, it took longer than intended, as “handmade” means “taking lots of...