by Alet | Aug 15, 2016 | Books, Writing
Die jong konstabel, Danie de Jager, in die kookspan in Windhoek – min wetende dat hy hierdie vaardighede sou toepas in die skeepskombuis onderweg na Alexandrië, in die veldkombuis in die woestyn van Noord-Afrika, in die krygsgevangekampe van Benghazi en Italië...
by Alet | May 10, 2016 | Books, Writing
Die boeiende storie van ‘n boerseun wat tydens die Tweede Wêreldoorlog diens doen as kok: Kleintyd sonder televisie was ‘n groot seën vir my pa se sewe kinders – wanneer die gier hom gepak het en hy begin oorlogstories vertel het, het ons aan sy lippe...
by Alet | Mar 24, 2015 | Articles, Writing
Every morning, the last touch on my newly-made bed is the two handfuls of ornamental hearts that remind me to pray for my children and grandchildren – that God would keep them safe and that their lives would glorify his Name, whether in their relationships, their work...
by Alet | Nov 10, 2014 | Articles, Writing
When I go through life tagging along my emotional baggage neatly stuffed into a hip “trolley suitcase”, I will find it very hard to trust God. As I stumble along, disconnected from the Source of life, I am not able to see how often the Spirit of God works in my life...
by Alet | Oct 3, 2014 | Articles, Writing
An American guru teaches salespeople: “You can’t sell what you ain’t got!” God’s wonderful plan for my life is to be an ambassador for his heavenly Kingdom. He has given me his Spirit of power and love and selfcontrol, of a sound mind. He is the One who determines my...
by Alet | Jun 26, 2014 | Articles, Writing
Mark Yaconelli says: Like an orphan, our prayer often waits to be noticed and held within our anger, our depression, our loneliness, and unmet longing. These broken places within us are irresistible to God, Why not place your hand over your heart and ask, “Heart, what...