When I go through life tagging along my emotional baggage neatly stuffed into a hip “trolley suitcase”, I will find it very hard to trust God.
As I stumble along, disconnected from the Source of life, I am not able to see how often the Spirit of God works in my life and my immediate world to heal and to free so that I can truly live. That is why I end up believing that there is no one out there who really cares about me or truly loves me.
In my brokenness I tend to cling to the known of the “folding mattress” of my problem or crisis, because it has become inseparably part of my identity to the extent that I forget that God is not daunted by the size of my crisis or the complexity of my problem.
There are only two constants: the changing playing field of life on the one hand, and the unchanging love and faithfulness of God Himself on the other hand. I want to trust Him with all of my life. Will you?