settled in the lovely Kent countryside in the UK.
I love everything meaningful and beautiful,
which I try to capture in different media.
My inspiration for all of this: the people that I love,
and the love that God has for me.
Ek deel graag met jou die vreugdes van dit
wat mooi en betekenisvol is.

Creating pictures with words & building it into stories
Arts and Crafts
Creating with lines, shapes, colours & textures




Series 13
This is about imagining, preparing, serving & enjoying food can always be a feast.
Elsa Schiaparelli once said: A good cook is like a sorceress who dispenses happiness.
Chicken chorizo and caper delight
Inspired by a grand chef on www.thechefproject.com , I adapted his Chicken Chorizo and Olive Stuffed Pastry and came up with this stunning result: Ingredients – amounts depending on availability and choice: Chicken portions or spring chickens (poussin)...
read moreWhen everything goes wrong
I was reminded of the priests standing in the middle of the Jordan with the ark of the covenant when I read in Psalm 114 how the sea flees and the river Jordan turns back, the earth trembles at the presence of the Lord, the rock turns into a pool of water...
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