settled in the lovely Kent countryside in the UK.
I love everything meaningful and beautiful,
which I try to capture in different media.
My inspiration for all of this: the people that I love,
and the love that God has for me.
Ek deel graag met jou die vreugdes van dit
wat mooi en betekenisvol is.

Creating pictures with words & building it into stories
Arts and Crafts
Creating with lines, shapes, colours & textures




Series 13
This is about imagining, preparing, serving & enjoying food can always be a feast.
Elsa Schiaparelli once said: A good cook is like a sorceress who dispenses happiness.

Crisis management – a new way
Like many a South African male, my husband dreamt about having a farm: to be near nature, to be busy with farm animals. What joy when he and a friend were able to buy a piece of farm land, wíth cattle! What glorious activity to herd the cattle into a crush...
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I decided to bless this beautiful young woman with a beautiful, colourful, fun apron inspired by John 13 + 1 Cor 13 love. Dressing again smartly for the office the next day is what we do - adaptable, competent women of today! Cecile kom kuier al die pad...
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Kittyhawk in the sights
Our hero was raised on a farm and had little training as a soldier seeing that he was an army cook. Thus, within the first few days of being on the battlefront, he noticed a German plane in hot pursuit of an Allied Kittyhawk and grabbed his gun. Needless...
read moreAbout designer shoes and Oscars
While on holiday in the lovely Cape, my dear friend Esthie decided to buy me a pair of shoes, to symbolise the beautiful feet of “a messenger who announces peace, a messenger who brings good news, who announces deliverance...” NET Bible I needed black low-heeled shoes...
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Battlefront Cook in Egypt and Italy
Like a veritable Indiana Jones, Danie had to be enormously practical and resourceful – as a cook in North African desert field kitchens, in the POW camp kitchens of Benghazi, Sardinia and Italy, as a foraging escapee in the hills of Tuscany, and as a...
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Our young hero learning to feed the forces at the Pretoria Police College - peeling a mountain of potatoes, making notes, AND finding time to take the love of his life to the Burgers Park in Pretoria. Coming from a family of 14 children, Danie had a knack...
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Kintsukuroi – the wonder of healing
Kintsugi (金継ぎ?, きんつぎ, "golden joinery"), also known as Kintsukuroi (金繕い?, きんつくろい, "golden repair"),[1] is the Japanese art of repairing broken pottery with lacquer dusted or mixed with powdered gold, silver, or platinum, a method similar to the maki-e...
read moreOefenlopie in Windhoek
Die jong konstabel, Danie de Jager, in die kookspan in Windhoek - min wetende dat hy hierdie vaardighede sou toepas in die skeepskombuis onderweg na Alexandrië, in die veldkombuis in die woestyn van Noord-Afrika, in die krygsgevangekampe van Benghazi en...
read moreKospotte van Egipte en Italië: Pa se storie sien uiteindelik die lig!
Die boeiende storie van 'n boerseun wat tydens die Tweede Wêreldoorlog diens doen as kok: Kleintyd sonder televisie was ‘n groot seën vir my pa se sewe kinders - wanneer die gier hom gepak het en hy begin oorlogstories vertel het, het ons aan sy lippe...
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