settled in the lovely Kent countryside in the UK.
I love everything meaningful and beautiful,
which I try to capture in different media.
My inspiration for all of this: the people that I love,
and the love that God has for me.
Ek deel graag met jou die vreugdes van dit
wat mooi en betekenisvol is.

Creating pictures with words & building it into stories
Arts and Crafts
Creating with lines, shapes, colours & textures




Series 13
This is about imagining, preparing, serving & enjoying food can always be a feast.
Elsa Schiaparelli once said: A good cook is like a sorceress who dispenses happiness.
Setting up camp in the desert
An important part of warfare in the desert: setting up camp, or rather digging in. An excavation had to made for each tent to safeguard it in case of an attack by the enemy, needing every soldier to grab a shovel and start digging. The loose soil was then...
read moreFeast with new potatoes
What a privilege to dig up new potatoes from our own garden! (Not me, but my very able husband who loves gardening.) So I had to whip up a lovely Sunday lunch – to be enjoyed outside with the patio heater making up for the winter sun not being able to give...
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Forgiveness and restitution
Forgiveness usually is an ongoing process. A loved one might have taken offence and cut me off in bitterness. I have to pray for and apply wisdom to move past my own and the other person’s hurt and carefully reach out in love. I cannot force the issue. I...
read moreStrawberries with puff pastry hearts
What to do when you have bought a packet of ready-made puff pastry for a household of two? Make chicken pies, then a beautiful strawberry dessert, then start thinking about the next application…. Ingredients: Ready-made puff pastry (or make your own!)...
read moreTwinned bread rolls
Twinned bread rolls: I took the short cut – using bread ready mix for both the brown and white parts (seeing that I don’t have to prove to anyone that I can make bread from scratch.) For 12 rolls I used 250gram of each and prepared as instructed on the...
read moreStay-at-home mom
Q: Help! I want to be more than I am right now, but how will I ever attain that? I am tired of wondering and wondering and being on an emotional rollercoaster I don’t want to just carry on with life – I want to LIVE! How am I going to succeed in doing...
read moreRoasted butternut and grapes with feta and rosemary
What do you do when you are stuck with a bunch of grapes past their “best by” date? Other than cooking jam or making a fruit cobbler? Have a quick look on the Internet whether anyone else has had the mad notion of combining grapes with butternut, which...
read moreStanding corrected
Being corrected by others is never pleasant or comfortable, but if I’m humble enough to accept correction/discipline gracefully, I’ll grow in wisdom and understanding, be “master of my soul” (Knox) in a human sense. If you reject discipline, you only harm...
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