settled in the lovely Kent countryside in the UK.
I love everything meaningful and beautiful,
which I try to capture in different media.
My inspiration for all of this: the people that I love,
and the love that God has for me.
Ek deel graag met jou die vreugdes van dit
wat mooi en betekenisvol is.

Creating pictures with words & building it into stories
Arts and Crafts
Creating with lines, shapes, colours & textures




Series 13
This is about imagining, preparing, serving & enjoying food can always be a feast.
Elsa Schiaparelli once said: A good cook is like a sorceress who dispenses happiness.
Beef stew with juniper berries
Beef stew with juniper berries, served with mashed potato, aubergine and asparagus I was inspired by a recipe in the Country Living magazine and have blessed my husband countless times with this lovely braised beef dish. Preparation: 10 minutes Cooking:...
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Lazy Sunday morning
A lazy Sunday morning breakfast on a glorious English summer’s day – on our patio. At one stage all four our adult children lived nearby and then all of them left and some live on the other side of the globe now. I decided that I would make a feast of...
read moreBBQ leftovers
What to do with those leftover BBQ steaks? I used two leftover steaks that were medium done, had been in the freezer, and were looking dreary. It doesn’t matter exactly how much of the rest you add – it’s all a matter of taste. I had butternut and fresh...
read moreVision – a quote
The difference between a vision and a daydream is the audacity to act - Stephen Furtick
read moreGroot hoogtes
Ons moet mekaar tot groot hoogtes aanspoor, nie teen die mure uitdryf nie! Let us encourage each other to attain great heights, rather that driving each other up the walls.
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Being creative with embroidery and appliqué techniques
A set of serviettes to go with the very red Victorian dining room in the home we rented. And then we moved to The Coach House and the serviettes are crying out to be finished - maybe as a gift to someone special or an heirloom to one of my...
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The agony and the ecstasy of trying to put to paper all those magnificent ideas
Isn't it frustrating to have more ideas and inspiration than being able to do! I often agree with this great artist: Lord, grant that I may always desire more than I can accomplish....
read moreA field of daffodils or a minefield?
I am not a victim of my circumstances - I can choose to react in my circumstances with courtesy and love, with kindness and patience, with acceptance and forgiveness. - Raimé
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