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A special apron with a message for Carin, my eldest daughter. She is a stunning woman, married to the stunningiest Brit and has two equally stunning boys who are growing up on Jersey in the Channel Isles. Carin het my geïnspireer om ‘n dierbare, flambojante...

Groot hoogtes

Ons moet mekaar tot groot hoogtes aanspoor, nie teen die mure uitdryf nie! Let us encourage each other to attain great heights, rather that driving each other up the...

Chicken chorizo and caper delight

Inspired by a grand chef on , I adapted his Chicken Chorizo and Olive Stuffed Pastry and came up with this stunning result:  Ingredients – amounts depending on availability and choice: Chicken portions or spring chickens (poussin) which could...

When everything goes wrong

I was reminded of the priests standing in the middle of the Jordan with the ark of the covenant when I read in Psalm 114 how the sea flees and the river Jordan turns back, the earth trembles at the presence of the Lord, the rock turns into a pool of water and the...